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Girbau renovated the Hospital Clínico in Zaragoza, doubling its capacity

14 February 2020. – Girbau, the leading firm in the world in integrated professional solutions, has renovated...

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The Girbau Community and Sapphire, the main players in 'Emprendiendo juntos'

The Girbau community, made of up the company’s clients and professional was held on 29 January at a second...

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Girbau révolutionne la gestion des blanchisseries avec Sapphire, un logiciel intelligent de commande à distance

La société réitère sa ferme intention de continuer à progresser dans la servitisation et d’accompagner ses...

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Girbau's commitment to sustainability and the circular economy, present at Re-Barcelona Conference

Girbau’s commitment to sustainability and the circular economy made itself known at the new Re-Barcelona...

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Girbau s'est engagé avec l'IoT à économiser des millions de litres d'eau dans le monde entier

Girbau, leader mondial des solutions de blanchisserie professionnelle, présent dans plus de 100 pays, a...

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Girbau, Aster Award for the Best Business Track Record 2019

22 November 2019. – Girbau, the leading firm in integrated professional laundry solutions, has been awarded...

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Girbau renforce son engagement en faveur du lavage humide en signant un accord avec la société britannique Ideal

La société Girbau consacre tous ses efforts à la promotion de l’aquanettoyage (nettoyage humide) à la place...

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Girbau presents its new mini mobile laundry in Alicante

17 October 2019. – Girbau, the leading firm in the world in integrated professional solutions, has selected...

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Girbau teaches a seminar on laundry solutions for KIMS in Ukraine

Girbau conducted a seminar about the different laundry solutions at the facilities of its partner KIMS, in...

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The head of the Girbau Lab, Mariona Sanz, takes part in the debate about disruptive innovation at the ACCIÓ Exponential Day

The head of the Girbau Lab, Mariona Sanz, was invited to take part in the debate about disruptive innovation...

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